How to delete an application on a Huawei and Honor smartphone: system, installed

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What is appgallery from Huawei?

Huawei App Gallery is a games and application store that allows third-party developers to offer device owners to install and purchase various applications. Essentially, this is an analogue of the existing Google Play service for Android or App store for iPhones.

The program in question appeared recently and is currently not installed on all smartphones. The manufacturer still installs it by default in new phones. Gradually, all devices will receive the presented service as the main store. The market itself is completely free and adapted for Russia.

App Gallery implies an official store and includes the following sections:

  • Me.
  • Top.
  • Featured.
  • Manager.
  • Category.

The application has the following advantages:

  • Security of transactions and good protection of personal accounts.
  • Help is available for selecting programs. Looking for an interesting game? Use the selection and built-in filter to exclude unnecessary genres.
  • Each program is assigned a rating of popularity and quality. Any user can leave a review and rate it.
  • Convenient and intuitive interface.
  • Registered users receive gifts (Gifts) and bonuses.

Why is the app gallery not working and what should I do?

In this software, like in any other, malfunctions can occur. This happens both due to the user’s fault and due to an error by the system developers. Let’s consider the most relevant phenomena.

  1. Connection to the server often fails. This means that there is an update or troubleshooting going on. You cannot deal with this problem manually; you will have to wait until the end.
  2. No internet connection. In this case, Epp Geleri will not even start. Check your mobile phone and Wi-Fi connection.
  3. The date and time do not match the system ones. This results in a synchronization error. Always set the correct indicators.
  4. Doesn’t load software. Check the amount of free memory remaining on the device. If there is not enough space, you won’t be able to download anything.

If you have any questions about servicing Honor and Huawei phones, you can contact the service center.

What is cache on Android phones

Each installation of an application is marked by the allocation by the Android operating system of not only space for storing the main program files, but also additional components: settings, user profiles, downloaded pictures or sounds.

Clearing cache on Android is very important

Such directories in the file system, as well as the space they occupy, are called the program cache. Often, over time, the volume of these folders increases significantly. Moreover, the data may remain in the smartphone’s memory even after completely uninstalling the program and will take up useful space, which is not too much anyway. This is why clearing the cache from time to time is necessary and useful.

Как удалить приложение на Android Honor и Huawei: системные и установленные

Cache files are important, but if there are a lot of them, it interferes with the operation of the OS

It is worth noting that the number of these temporary files stored in the cache without compromising performance directly depends on the amount of RAM and SD card memory. If the gadget has 256 GB of storage and 8 GB of RAM, then there is nothing much to worry about.

Important! On older models, where there is much less RAM, it is necessary to control the cache.

In addition to important data, the cache can also contain a bunch of unnecessary “garbage” – files that are no longer needed by the application, or information that remains after it was deleted and is no longer valuable. This is so important that manufacturers of all modern phones and operating systems build in automatic or manual functions for cleaning temporary and junk files on each device.

By the way, if you clean too often, it will either have no effect or will have a negative effect. The thing is that the system will delete temporary data that this or that program is currently using. Because of this, system failures, various conflicts and errors in the operation of user software may appear.

Как удалить приложение на Android Honor и Huawei: системные и установленные

Cleaning using standard settings is the easiest option

Alternative solution

Another option is to reset some settings. The technique itself is divided into two stages.


  • Go to the “Application” through the settings menu. Click on the subsection with the same name;
  • Go to “Topics”. Find “Huawei Mobile Services” in it;
  • After the transition, pay attention to the upper right corner of the screen, where you can find three vertical dots;
  • Click on them and activate the “uninstall updates” option.


  • Return through “Settings” and “Applications” to “Applications”;
  • View the suggested list;
  • One by one, go to those programs that automatically turn on the dark theme;
  • Make a reset through the “Memory” subsection.

Temporarily disabling Alice

Don’t want to completely remove Alice, but for now her presence is just a nuisance and wastes battery power? Also, constant work in the background consumes quite a lot of mobile traffic, which can be unprofitable. Read how to disable Alice on your phone:

  • Open the Yandex application. There are three horizontal lines in the upper left corner, click on them.
  • A menu will open where you should select an item with settings.
  • Scroll down the screen and find the “Voice Assistant” line.

Opposite the Activation item, move the switch to the Inactive position.

Using programs like explorer

An inexperienced user needs to know that logging into the Google Play service and trying to delete an application will not have any effect (it simply will not appear there). Deleting program files manually is also a thankless task, since most users do not know where all these objects are located.

In the simplest version, you should use Root Explorer or its analogues (Framaroot, Titanium Backup, Root App Remover).

In Explorer, you need to find the tools item and, by entering the root explorer menu, agree to the provision of superuser rights. Then in a new window you should confirm the R/W connection, and then search in the app directory located in the System directory.

When the necessary APK files are found, you need to delete only applications, but not services (think a hundred times before doing this). But this won’t be enough. At the same time, you should delete all objects of the same name with the .odex extension. Only after this the system will be cleared.

Using third party applications

If there is demand, then there are guaranteed to be people who will offer effective solutions. Including a forced transition to a light theme.

How to delete an application on a Huawei and Honor smartphone: system, installed

Dark Mode app from developer Julian Eggers

How to delete all data and play games profile

A person who decides to completely abandon games can even delete all data and his own profile on Google Games – an additional platform specifically for applications – games. It is also worth noting that deleting an account, as well as some games, may result in a person never being able to restore them. Progress, achievements – everything that the user has been working on for quite some time will be lost.

To delete data for a specific game, the user needs to:

  • Open the Play Games utility on the device;
  • Next, at the top of the screen, click on the vertical ellipsis, and through it go to “settings”;
  • Now the user must click on the “Delete Play Games account and data” item;
  • In the “Delete individual game data” section, the user can click on the utility that he would like to delete.

If the user wants to erase absolutely all data, then he needs:

  • Go to the Google service erasing page;
  • Click on the Play Games item;
  • Confirm deletion by reading the message;
  • Click on erase.

This way you can completely destroy all data and files on the device.

How to delete a game using special applications

There are a huge number of programs that can help the user with quick and comprehensive removal. The advantage of such programs is that they have a truly comprehensive approach to erasing data and clearing the cache, so that not a trace remains of the previous game on the smartphone. It is very convenient when you urgently need to clear the maximum amount of space on your phone.

For example, the fairly popular Uninstaller platform, which helps the user permanently erase all information about the program without any additional rights.

Many utilities of this kind require special rooted rights.

How to remove unnecessary applications on Honor and Huawei

You can remove unnecessary applications on Huawei devices in several ways: the standard removal method, if you do not need to obtain root rights, removing system software with superuser rights and freezing system files so that they do not receive updates and are not used by the smartphone at all .

In the first and third cases, there is no need to install third-party software on Honor or Huawei; the internal capabilities of the device are sufficient. In the second case, you will have to install special software to obtain Root rights; it can be anything convenient for the user.

Some cannot be removed at all or even frozen, so to get rid of them you will have to install additional software.

Attention! Obtaining Root rights deprives the owner of the phone of warranty service. Think twice about whether you need this, because if you remove the necessary software for the Android OS, the smartphone will become inoperable.

How to remove unnecessary applications from Huawei and Honor phones?

It’s easy to remove unnecessary utilities on a flagship gadget in several ways. The first is the best option without requiring root rights. The second involves using developer rights. Using the third method, the files go into frozen mode. During this time, no updates will occur.

Thus, programs do not take up empty space in the phone’s memory. Only with one method is it necessary to download additional software. It is important to understand that installing new software will entail changes in the operation of the device. Let’s look at each method in detail.

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How to remove applications from honor and Huawei phones: system and installed ones

“How to delete an application on Android Huawei and Honor?” – a pressing question for users of gadgets of this brand who need to free up space on their phone. This need arose due to the fact that developers are constantly adding new software, which is often completely unnecessary for the average user.

How to install a new theme on Huawei honor – step by step instructions

The standard set of applications for HUAWEI (honor) smartphones includes the “Themes” application, which allows you to easily change the style of your mobile device to themes specially developed by designers for HUAWEI phones.

  1. Launch the application “Themes”
  2. On the main page of the “Themes” application there is an option:

– select a new theme; – select new wallpaper (including live wallpaper); – configure individual components of the theme (lock screen style, lock screen settings, wallpaper, home screen, application icon settings).

Smartphone screen 1: launching the “Themes” application. Smartphone screen 2: selecting new wallpapers and customizing theme components. Smartphone screen 3: choosing new wallpapers. Smartphone screen 4: customizing theme components

  1. Select section “I”
    applications to see what topics are in the phone’s memory.

We only had a single theme from the standard set of smartphones – “Default”.

  1. The Themes application allows you to choose free themes from a huge number of themes specially designed by designers.

You can search for the topics you need in three sections:

  • Favorites;
  • Category;
  • Rating.

Therefore, we select a topic from the “Rating” section and settle on the “pyramid” topic. Click on the “pyramid” icon.

What applications can be removed from Honor and Huawei phones

Huawei allows you to clear the internal memory of software that is not used for the normal operation of the EMUI shell, Android OS. The list includes:

Какие приложения можно удалить с телефона Huawei

What applications can be removed from a Huawei phone?
  • a remote control emulator program, with its help you can control electronics and household appliances via Bluetooth, infrared, Wi-Fi;
  • “Health” fitness tracker, capable of counting the number of steps taken, calories burned, and other parameters of a person’s vital activity;
  • graphic editor “Mirror”, designed for applying filters to photographs;
  • “Calculator” is a standard program for performing computational operations;
  • “Compass” – a built-in tool for determining geographic direction;
  • “Weather” – a built-in service that displays the weather in different cities and regions;
  • “Backups” – the service stores old snapshots of the system;
  • “Tips” – an assistant designed to teach you how to use all the capabilities of the device;
  • AppAssistant – a set of system tools for managing a mobile phone
  • Retail demo Huawei is a retailing program that allows you to demonstrate the main features of a smartphone on the storefront;
  • Feed Master – a tool for publishing photos on social networks;
  • Google Play Games – a universal gaming center where user statistics are saved and a list of installed games is posted;
  • HiSuite – software for connecting Huawei smartphones, tablets, laptops into a single network with the possibility of external control and data transfer;
  • Phone Clone – creating a copy of the current state of the phone’s firmware with the ability to transfer it to another device.

What programs can be removed from a smartphone?

Before you remove an application from Android Honor, you need to understand that it is not critical for the system. In this case, it’s easier to hide the application and not be distracted by the icon. Below you will find instructions on how to remove, including the “system” utilities of the phone.

Another good method would be to find unused programs and get rid of them. Here’s how to remove unnecessary apps from Honor 7a and other devices:

When you have to remove root rights

Even successful rooting sometimes does not stop the smartphone owner from urgently performing the reverse procedure. Typically, complete removal of root rights on Android is motivated by:

  1. The need for warranty repairs. The service center does not recognize the warranty and will not use a rooted device.
  2. The desire to sell the device. Any intervention is unlikely to increase the value of the device in the eyes of the buyer. Even as a gift, such a device is difficult to consider, especially if it is intended for an inexperienced user.
  3. Poor performance of the device. There are cases when, instead of increasing productivity, root had the opposite and even negative effect. It’s not for nothing that experts warn about possible “terrible” consequences. In some cases, the only way to save a gadget is to completely remove root access and flash it to the stock version.
  4. There is a risk of catching a virus that can use root access and become an Administrator, which will create insurmountable obstacles to the normal functioning of the device.

It is also sometimes necessary to remove root rights on Android due to the inability to receive updates over the air. The function is blocked by the modified system, since the root disappears when the OS is updated.

Is it possible to recover a deleted application?

It is impossible to restore a deleted application on Android if it was completely deleted along with all services. If it was simply stopped, then after resetting to factory settings or launching the stopped program yourself, all data will be restored.

Obtaining root rights to remove system programs is a serious step for the user. If you handle the capabilities carelessly, there is a high risk of damaging your smartphone and also losing warranty repairs. When obtaining superuser rights, do not delete everything, think and look for information on the Internet about what harm such a decision can cause to the system.

Small “chips”

When you place the App Gallery icon on one of the active smartphone screens, it gains additional functionality. To do this, you need to press it and hold it for a short time.

After holding, the phone gives a short vibration signal and the user can:

  1. Open the search for the application you are interested in with one click.
  2. Update the application if there is an update.
  3. Open the section with gifts for completing tasks.

The store is intuitive and easy to use, does not require any additional data and (or) information. When registering an account, all information is automatically added to the store, including information about bank cards and linked devices.


When launching a store, the user can see several main pages:

  1. Favorites
    . This page displays installation recommendations based on the popularity of games or programs. After using it for a while and searching for interesting programs, the Favorites section will display download suggestions based on the user’s preferences.
  2. Categories
    . This menu item displays all existing programs and games in the store by section.
  3. Best
    . The most popular programs and games with the most downloads are displayed here.
  4. Management
    . A page with updates to the store itself, as well as updates to individual games and programs installed on the smartphone.
  5. I
    . This tab is responsible for your Huawei account, here you can make settings and map bindings.

Appeal to the developers

In some situations, the methods described above do not help. In this case, you can try to contact the developers of the product you are using. For example, the following images:

  • Connect to the Internet.
  • Go to Play Market.
  • In the search, enter the name of the program that creates a similar problem;
  • Use the functionality for writing reviews or other contacts left by the developers so that you can report the problem to them.

All you have to do is wait until a representative of the developer company reads the message and offers his own solution.

ROM (rom)

The abbreviation stands for “read-only memory”. This type of memory is non-volatile and can retain information even when the phone is turned off. The memory is erased every time you restart. All user programs, their permanent cache and data on progress in games, as well as the Android operating system itself, are loaded into the ROM.

The permanent memory of the phone can also be divided into:

  • built-in, which comes with the device from the factory and cannot be removed;
  • removable, built-in via an external storage device in the form of an SD card, which can be purchased separately from the gadget.

Both of the above types work on the same principle and can equally contain application files, as well as their cache and various types of temporary files.

Important! When any type of memory becomes clogged, the smartphone begins to freeze, lag, and becomes uncomfortable to operate.

Some even want to buy themselves a new device, not knowing that they can simply clean it. How to clear the cache on an Android Honor phone will be discussed below.

Как удалить приложение на Android Honor и Huawei: системные и установленные

Recovery on Honor works very simply

Procedure for searching and deleting unused applications on Huawei (honor) smartphones

1. Launch the Phone Settings application.

Экран 1 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 1 of the smartphone – launch the Smartphone Settings.

2. Select the Memory section.

Экран 2 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 2 of the smartphone – go to the Memory section.

3. In the Memory section, click on the “MEMORY CLEAR” button.

Экран 3 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 3 of the smartphone – click on the “MEMORY CLEAR” button.

4. In the Memory Cleaning section, go down to the very bottom of the “Deep Cleaning” section, where the items we are interested in are located: “Removing unused applications” and “Removing installation packages”.

Click on the “Check” button of the “Remove unused applications” item.

Экран 4 и 5 Удаление приложений
Smartphone screen No. 4 – swipe down to the bottom of the “Deep cleaning” section. Screen No. 5 of the smartphone – click on the “Check” button under the “Delete unused applications” item.

5. Here is a list of applications that have not been used recently and which can be safely deleted without fear that this may render the phone inoperable.

Mark applications for removal. In our case, we decided to remove three games installed by the phone manufacturer.

Экран 6 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 6 of the smartphone – mark three applications with games.

After this, you need to click on the “DELETE” button at the bottom of the screen.

Экран 7 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 7 of the smartphone – click on the “DELETE” button.

6. Next, a window will open asking you to confirm the removal of the selected applications. Click on the “DELETE” button.

Экран 8 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 8 of the smartphone – in the “Delete 3 selected applications?” window. Click on the “DELETE” button.

7. After this, the applications you selected will be deleted from our smartphone. In our case, because we deleted all three game programs that were previously located in the “Games” folder, then after exiting to the Work screen we will notice that the “Games” folder has disappeared from the screen.

Экран 9 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 9 of the smartphone – the “Games” folder on the Working screen was deleted automatically after deleting all game programs from this folder.

8. Next, to remove installation package applications, you need to click on the “CLEAN” button of the “Remove installation packages” item from the “Deep cleaning” section.

Экран 10 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 10 of the smartphone – click on the “CLEAR” button of the “Delete installation packages” item.

9. In the “Removing installation packages” section, click on the square icon of the “All” item, thereby marking all applications in this section.

Экран 11 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 11 of the smartphone – check the “All” item.

After this, you need to click on the “DELETE” button at the bottom of the screen.

Экран 12 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 12 of the smartphone – click on the “DELETE” button.

10. A window will open on the screen asking you to confirm the deletion of all files. Click on the “DELETE” button.

Экран 13 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 13 of the smartphone – in the “Delete all files” window, click on the “DELETE” button.

11. That’s it. We found and removed, at our own discretion, unused applications and installation package programs that were previously removed by Themes.

Экран 14 Удаление приложений
Screen No. 14 of the smartphone – view of the “Deleting installation packages” section after removing all packages.

Articles related to this topic:— How to clear the RAM of a HUAWEI (honor) phone?— Do I need to clear the cache data storage on HUAWEI (honor) smartphones?

Using special programs

Along with standard uninstallation tools, applications designed to remove other programs are considered separately. As an example, consider CCleaner, available on both PC and Android:

  1. Launch CCleaner.
  2. Go to the “Application Manager” section.
  3. Tick the unnecessary programs.
  4. Click on the “Delete” button.

You can also use any other program that performs the function of uninstalling applications. In all cases, the removal process will be identical.

Applications in appgallery

My main complaint about AppGallery is that it is no better than alternative app stores, of which there are a whole bunch on Android. No, of course, the Chinese have agreed with the developers on individual discounts, gifts and bonuses for their users, offering them an additional trial period in subscription applications or gift coupons in delivery services, but this is a one-time bonus. It is impossible to use AppGallery on an ongoing basis due to the lack of most of the popular software.

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Appgallery works with or instead of google play

Despite the fact that the Chinese store is an analogue of Google Play, they both can and do work together. All applications in stores receive updates in approximately the same period of time, so there will be no problems with obtaining a new version of the program you are interested in.

Important! As of February 2020, the only smartphones that do not have Google services, including Google Play, are the Mate 30 series. Owners of flagships in this series can use the software available in the AppGallery.

Via appgallery

The instructions for AppGallery are not much different from those presented above. You can easily restore a deleted application on Android Huawei and Honor. AppGallery is an application market and is the standard store on all smartphones of the Chinese manufacturer. It is not inferior in functionality to Google Play and has a number of advantages:

  1. Smart selection. The service shows the user only useful and highly rated programs.
  2. A system of discounts is provided. Users can receive special coupons and activate VIP status.
  3. Four-level protection works. The service quickly identifies dangerous activity, independently verifies the confidentiality of information and finds security vulnerabilities. All available software is tested and protected from viruses.

Previously, the service was available in certain countries, but the manufacturer has significantly expanded this list and is trying to distribute it in other countries.


  1. Launch AppGallery. как восстановить удаленное приложение на хонор
  2. In the bottom panel, click on the “Me” tab. This will open your profile page. что значит восстановление приложений в хуавей
  3. Go to the “Purchase History” section. как восстановить удаленные приложения на хуавей
  4. The list will show all the software that you have previously installed from the service.
  5. Find the desired name and click on the install button. хонор 10 как восстановить удаленные приложения

As you can see, the procedure is quite simple and does not require downloading special recovery utilities. After all, for example, you can only return lost files from a PC through the utility, but on your phone you only need to go to a special section and see what programs were installed on the system.

From desktop

This method can only remove applications that are not blocked by the developer. In the latest firmware versions it is enough:

Удаление иконок с рабочего стола

Removing icons from the desktop.
  1. Unlock your smartphone.
  2. On the desktop, select the tool you want to remove.
  3. Hold your finger on the icon until a pop-up menu appears on the screen.
  4. Select the “Delete” item above which there is a trash can icon (if you select the option with a cross, the application will remain in the internal memory, the user will only get rid of the shortcut on the desktop).
  5. Confirm the action.

After this, the preinstalled one along with all data will be permanently deleted from the mobile phone.

With root rights

If a program or tool is used to support system processes in order to protect the user from rash actions, it is protected by root rights, that is, access to the settings is blocked at the engineering menu level. To gain access to this functionality, the user must go through the procedure of flashing the smartphone, which opens root rights.

Tips for deleting games

Some removal tips will help the user clean up his device as much as possible for many new programs or additional utilities:

  • If there is a need to increase the performance of the phone, then the user can simply save all the cash not on the device itself, but on a memory card, which really has a lot of space. Thus, the power of the phone will increase several times;
  • If the user wants to increase the performance of the device and its speed, then he needs to remove those programs and games that he no longer uses;
  • There are various antivirus and cleaners that also help the user to increase the power of the mobile phone;
  • You should try to install only those programs that are truly valuable.

Removing pre-installed applications with xiaomi adbfastboottools program

Download from our website and install the ADBFastbootTools program on your computer. Then we launch the program and connect Xiaomi to the computer. Next, click on the “Debloater” button and give permission to synchronize the program with your Xiaomi.

Device Info will appear. Next again

press the Debloater button and wait for the list of installed programs to open on your smartphone. Everything will be there – both those that you installed and those that were immediately installed on the phone before purchase. Select those that you need to remove and click Uninstall.

After deletion, Done will appear. After all selected applications have been deleted, click on Reboot into System, reboot your cell phone and that’s it.

How to replace appgallery with Huawei

Here’s how to do it:

  • Launch it and distribute the necessary privileges;
  • Find the desired application in the search and download it to your smartphone.

APKPure is good because it is designed in the format of a real application store, which is installed on the device itself and allows you to download applications in the form in which they are downloaded from Google Play. That is, your device is not clogged with APK installation files, not to mention the fact that all updates can be installed automatically without having to download and install them manually. Not to mention the fact that APKPure has all the applications available that are not and probably will not be in the AppGallery.

Huawei smart watches now have the ability to install third-party applications

Yes, APKPure is an unofficial application store where applications are distributed through an aggregation model. That is, it analyzes the contents of Google Play, Galaxy Store and, most likely, other sites, and then copies the software from there. It’s not a completely fair practice, in my opinion, because the developers don’t get anything from it.

Via play market

An easy way is to use the standard Google Play store. In a certain section you can see all previously installed and removed software. Users can update any program, delete it, or reinstall it on the device with the click of a button. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Initially, open the Play Market. как восстановить удаленное приложение на андроиде huawei
  2. Then on the main page, click on the image of three stripes. This will bring up an additional menu. You can also use swipe by dragging your finger from the left side of the screen to the center. как восстановить удаленные приложения на андроиде хонор
  3. Go to the first tab where it says “My Apps and Games”. как восстановить удаленные приложения на телефоне хуавей
  4. Sections will be presented at the top. We need the one on the far right. By swiping, go to “Library”. как восстановить приложение на телефоне хонор
  5. A complete list of previously installed programs will be presented here. Scroll through the list and find the program you want to restore. Let’s say you want to bring back the Opera browser. Click on it in the list and in the window that opens, click on the “Install” button. как восстановить приложение погода на хонор 20

This way you can easily return any software to your device if it was installed from the Play Store. But there is also a second method.

Via play market

Using the official application store, you can not only install a new program, but also delete the application from your Huawei phone. For this it is enough:

Удаление через Плей Маркет

Removal via Play Market.
  1. Launch Google Market.
  2. Click on the user avatar located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. In the settings menu, select “Manage device and applications”.
  4. In the list, check the boxes next to the names of the programs that need to be removed.
  5. Click the trash can icon that appears in the upper right part of the screen.

Fourth method

If you are short on time, and you need to remove several programs and games from your Huawei smartphone at once:

  1. Go to standard settings;
  2. Open the folder “ Memory
    » and wait until the system carries out the calculations;
  3. Click on the line “ Clear memory
    » at the bottom of the screen;
  4. Click on the item “ Deep cleaning
  5. Scroll down and find the function ” Uninstall system applications
  6. Run the option “ Check
  7. In the list that opens, check the boxes next to the games and programs that you want to erase from the smartphone’s memory;
  8. Click ” Delete
    ” at the bottom of the screen and confirm the action with the button ” Ok

Depending on the number of games and programs selected, comprehensive removal may take time. While the procedure is being performed, do not touch the phone. If you want to remove pre-installed applications from Huawei, you will need to unlock the bootloader in advance and obtain Root rights.

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