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Конфигурация GEPON OLT и ONT — примеры первичной настройки OLT и ONT для оборудования BDCOM

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Ont encyclopedia huawei ftth gpon epon huawei onu ycict

What is ONT?

ONT (Optical Network Terminal) is an optical network terminal, commonly known as an optical cat. It is a device that provides home users with access to the network. It can provide high-speed Internet access, IPTV, voice, and WiFi services.

Difference between ONT and ONU

ONT can be understood as ONU (Optical Network Unit), but in the strict sense belongs to ONU.

The difference between the two is that the ONT is an optical network terminal and is located directly at the user’s end; the ONU is an optical network unit, and there may be other networks between the user and the user, such as a gateway device under the ONU that can access xDSL or Ethernet access ports, and then Connect to a network terminal.

ONT position in the network

ONT is usually located in the user’s home, accessing various Internet access devices downwards, and accessing the network through optical fibers.

What is ONT? ONT (Optical Network Terminal) is an optical network terminal, commonly known as optical cat. It is a device that provides home users with access to the network. It can provide high-speed Internet access, IPTV, voice, and WiFi services. Difference between ONT and ONU ONT can be understood as ONU (Optical Network Unit), but in the strict sense belongs to ONU. The difference between the two is that the ONT is an optical network terminal and is located directly at the user's end; the ONU is an optical network unit, and there may be other networks between the user and the user, such as a gateway device under the ONU that can access xDSL or Ethernet access ports, and then Connect to a network terminal. ONT position in the network ONT is usually located in the user's home, accessing various Internet access devices downwards, and accessing the network through optical fibers

Huawei ONT Product Classification

Huawei’s common ONTs are roughly divided into traditional ONTs, intelligent ONTs, converged gateway ONTs, and 10G PON ONTs according to their functions.Among them, traditional ONTs can be divided into bridged ONTs and gateway ONTs according to their functions.

Bridged ONT

The bridge-type ONT is only responsible for transparent transmission, providing users with Internet access and IPTV channels, and can only connect to the network after dialing on user equipment such as a router or PC.Some bridged ONTs also support voice functions and can be connected to telephones.

If a bridged ONT is connected to a wireless router downstream, it can access the Internet wirelessly.

Representative products:
EchoLife HG8010H: Support 1 GE;
EchoLife HG8240H: Support 4 GE 2 POTS


Gateway ONT

Gateway ONT Compared with bridged ONT, it can realize routing and forwarding to automatically assign IP addresses, and users can connect to the network without dialing by themselves.Some gateway-based ONTs also come with dual-band WiFi (2.4G Hz & 5G Hz), which can provide wireless networks.

Representative products:
EchoLife HG8540M: Support 1 GE 3 FE;
EchoLife HG8247H: Support 4 GE 2 POTS CATV USB Wi-Fi

Gateway ONT  Gateway ONT Compared with bridged ONT, it can realize routing and forwarding to automatically assign IP addresses, and users can connect to the network without dialing by themselves. Some gateway-based ONTs also come with dual-band WiFi (2.4G Hz & 5G Hz), which can provide wireless networks.    Representative products: EchoLife HG8540M: Support 1 GE   3 FE; EchoLife HG8247H: Support 4 GE   2 POTS   CATV   USB   Wi-Fi HUAWEI FTTH

Intelligent ONT

The biggest difference between a smart ONT and a traditional ONT is that it can be used in conjunction with sensors (door sensors/smoke/water flooding / infrared alarms, etc.) to provide new functions such as real-time video monitoring, intelligent speedup, home control, etc., combining cloud platforms and intelligenceHome APP can also realize remote control of the smart home.

Representative products:
EchoLife HS8145V5: Support 1 phone 3 Gigabit 1 iTV 1 USB 2.4G & 5G Wi-Fi;
EchoLife HS8545M5: Support 1 phone 1 Gigabit 3 100M 1 USB 2.4G Wi-Fi


Converged Gateway

The converged gateway mainly integrates the STB function (iTV) on the gateway ONT, reduces the number of boxes, simplifies the installation, and supports 4K video. It is mainly used in hotel scenarios and a one-stop solution for Wi-Fi coverage and video experience.

Representative products:
EchoLife HS8125T: Support 1 GE 1 FE 1 POTS 2 USB 2.4G Wi-Fi 1 HDMI interface 1 Mini AV 1 infrared receiver infrared extension buckle 1 Micro SD card slot;
ChoEchoLife LS8025T: Support 2 FE 2.4G Wi-Fi 1 HDMI interface 1 Mini AV 1 infrared receiver infrared extension port

Converged Gateway  The converged gateway mainly integrates the STB function (iTV) on the gateway ONT, reduces the number of boxes, simplifies the installation, and supports 4K video. It is mainly used in hotel scenarios, and one-stop solution for Wi-Fi coverage and video experience .    Representative products: EchoLife HS8125T: Support 1 GE   1 FE   1 POTS   2 USB   2.4G Wi-Fi   1 HDMI interface   1 Mini AV   1 infrared receiver   infrared extension buckle   1 Micro SD card slot; ChoEchoLife LS8025T: Support 2 FE   2.4G Wi-Fi   1 HDMI interface   1 Mini AV   1 infrared receiver   infrared extension port HUAWEI YCICT


10G PON ONT’s user-side speed can reach Gigabit, which can not only meet the high-bandwidth services such as 4K / 8K high-definition video, AR / VR, home cloud, video calls for home users but also provide up to 10 Gigabit dedicated line access services.

Representative products:
EchoLife HN8245Q: Support 4 GE 2 POTS 2 USB 2.4G & 5G Wi-Fi
EchoLife HN8546Q: Support 4 GE 1 POTS 2 USB 2.4G & 5G Wi-Fi


Конфигурация gepon olt и ont — примеры первичной настройки olt и ont для оборудования bdcom

Схема организации сети

Конфигурация GEPON OLT и ONT — примеры первичной настройки OLT и ONT для оборудования BDCOM

Перед началом настройки OLT убедитесь, что у вас актуальная версия прошивки

Актуальные прошивки можно скачать по адресу //

Начальные условия следующие: 

  • один vlan на сервис, на каждый PON порт;
  • входящий порт Ge 1/6;
  •  используемые vlan 5-управление, 11-14 Интернет, 20 – IPTV;
  • IP для управления;

Зададим имя нашему OLT

hostname test-pon

создадим необходимые vlan

vlan 5

 name mngm

vlan 11

 name internet_1

vlan 12

 name internet_2

vlan 13

 name internet_3

vlan 14

 name internet_4

vlan 20

name IPTV

Создадим IP интерфейс для управления

interface vlan 5

no shutdown

ip address

Добавим маршрут по умолчанию

ip default-gateway

Настроим авторизацию для управления

aaa authentication login default local

aaa authentication enable default none

Cоздадим пользователя admin с паролем passwd

username admin password 0 passwd

Создадим шаблон для конфигурации ONT T1, в нем vlan для интернет будем передавать в качестве параметра.

В шаблоне мы сделаем настройки:

1. Ограничим количество допустимых MAC от клиента 5 

2. включим loopback detection

3. назначим multicast vlan

epon onu-config-template T1

 cmd-sequence 1 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 6
cmd-sequence 2 switchport port-security mode dynamic
cmd-sequence 3 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag %1
cmd-sequence 4  epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
cmd-sequence 5  epon onu all-port ctc mcst tag-stripe enable
cmd-sequence 6  epon onu all-port ctc mcst mc-vlan add 20

Настроим входящий порт

interface GigaEthernet0/6

no shutdown

switchport mode trunk

switchport trunk vlan-allowed 5,11-14,20

switchport trunk vlan-untagged none

switchport pvid 20
dhcp snooping trust

Настроим EPON порты

interface EPON0/1

no shutdown

Назначим ранее созданный шаблон T1 для ONU с номерами 1-64 и зададим vlan для Интернет 

epon pre-config-template T1 binded-onu-llid 1-64 param 11

Добавим разрешенные vlan 

switchport trunk vlan-allowed 11,20
switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
switchport mode trunk

 filter dhcp
 switchport protected 1

interface EPON0/2

no shutdown

epon pre-config-template T1 binded-onu-llid 1-64 param 12

switchport trunk vlan-allowed 12,20
switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
switchport mode trunk

 filter dhcp
switchport protected 2

interface EPON0/3

no shutdown

epon pre-config-template T1 binded-onu-llid 1-64 param 13

 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 13,20
switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
switchport mode trunk

 filter dhcp
switchport protected 3

interface EPON0/4

no shutdown

epon pre-config-template T1 binded-onu-llid 1-64 param 14

switchport trunk vlan-allowed 14,20
switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
switchport mode trunk

 filter dhcp
switchport protected 4

Настроим мультикаст

ip mcst enable
ip igmp-proxy enable
ip mcst mc-vlan 20 range –

ip mcst mrouter interface GigaEthernet0/6 

С обновлением до версии 10.1.0F настройки мультикаста будут выглядеть следующим образом:

ip mcst enable

ip igmp-proxy enable
ip mcst mrouter-multi-vlan 20
ip mcst mrouter interface GigaEthernet0/6 multi-vlan 20
ip mcst mc-vlan 20 range –

Настроим DHCP snooping

ip dhcp-relay snooping
ip dhcp-relay snooping vlan  11-14

Настроим snmp для опроса OLT на предмет уровня сигнала до ONU и прочего.

snmp-server community 0 communa RW

Настроим сервер времени и временную зону

time-zone Yekaterinburd 5 0
ntp server

Включим фильтрацию ( мы ее используем для предотвращения флуда DHCP запросов

filter enable

Проверить найденные ONU можно будет командой

show epon active-onu

Interface EPON0/1 has bound 1 active ONUs:

IntfName  MAC Address   Status         OAM Status  Distance(m) RTT(TQ) LastR

egTime        LastDeregTime      LastDeregReason  Alivetime

 — — — – — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — – — —

 — — — — — — — — — — — – — — — — — — — — — —

EPON0/1:1 fcfa.f796.8dd1 auto_configured ctc oam oper 30         55     1970.

01.03.05:18:36 N/A                unknow            0.00:02:28

Проверим что МАС бегает в нужном нам vlan

Switch#show mac address-table interface epON 0/1:1

       Mac Address Table (Total 1)

 — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Vlan   Mac Address      Type      Ports

 — –    — — — —       — –       — —

11     082e.5f8d.4b4c   DYNAMIC   epon0/1:1

Для опроса уровней ONU по SNMP используем OID ., где X индекс нужной нам ONU

Найти индекс можно запросом ветки . и нахожденим нужной ONU по МАС

MGMT-порт в модели 3310C не используется.

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